Young Professionals Initiative Reflects on PollVault

By Erin Roberts

Back in September, the Young Professionals Initiative of the Chicago Council of Global Affairs hosted a program on “the Power of the Youth Vote” with Heather Smith, Founder of Rock the Vote. In my remarks from stage that night, I stressed the importance of thinking beyond just the presidential election and making sure one reads up on local office elections, as that is where citizens can often see immediate impact in their daily lives.

It is incredible how many young voters don’t realize they can take information to the polls with them (and that they are not obligated to memorize their ballot votes). I think a tool like PollVault is an extremely valuable asset to young voters by engaging them in a very current and familiar way on their smartphones. My hope is that technology like this will result in a more informed and engaged voter community.

Erin E. Roberts is an independent expert focused on civic engagement of the next generation. She heads the Young Professionals Initiative at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

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